Statement of Faith

God is our Parent

God, our Father, who is the creator of heaven and earth, created this universe and His
children, as the center, in order to realize the ideal creation of love. This creation was
achieved with the love of total investment (we call this true love) that wants to offer
everything for the sake of others. God hopes for human beings to perfect true love, become
the life (body) that originates from God’s love, and for humankind to live together as brothers
and sisters and fulfill the ideal world of one family under God. God wants to establish the
Kingdom of Heaven on Earth centering on God’s true love and for God’s love to completely
manifest on this earth.

The Family is the Foundation of Love

The structural unit for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is the family. The family is the basic
unit to realize God’s love. God’s love is to be completely manifested between parents and
children, brothers and sisters, and husband and wife. Therefore, the family is a training
ground and human beings were created to completely resemble God by embodying and
practicing the Four Great Loves (we call this the Four Great Authorities of Heart) — children’s
love, sibling’s love, conjugal love, and parental love. God wanted Adam and Eve to first
perfect the Four Great Authorities of Heart by inheriting God’s love and then multiply God’s
lineage in this world.

The Human Fall

Adam and Eve were originally created to perfect God’s love and multiply God’s lineage.
However, because of the Fall of the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve abandoned God’s
love and all humankind thereafter came under Satan’s lineage and became fallen human
beings. From generation to generation, human beings have been continuously inheriting
Satan’s false love, which is self-centered love (a love that takes), using others for one’s
benefit, rather than inheriting God’s love, which is an altruistic public love (a love that
gives), even offering one’s own life for the sake of others. Furthermore, human beings have
been multiplying Satan’s life (body) and lineage in this world. Adam and Eve, the first human
ancestors, became false parents centering on Satan. Fallen human beings, who are their
descendants, have created a world that has no relationship with God.

Salvation of human beings and God’s Providence of

Immediately after the Fall of human beings, God began the providence of salvation for
humankind. The salvation of fallen human beings is for Adam and Eve, the first human
ancestors, to return to their position before the Fall, in other words, to restore the original
state of creation. For the completion of this salvation, the one who brings God’s love and
lineage to this earth is the Messiah. The Messiah is the person who restores human beings,
who have inherited the lineage of Satan through the Fall, to children born of God’s original
lineage. God sent Jesus Christ 2000 years ago as the Messiah (Second Adam) and the Sun
Myung Moon as the Lord of the Second Advent (Third Adam).

Mission of Messiah and the Providence of Rebirth

God will conduct the providence for fallen human beings to change from Satan’s lineage to
God’s lineage. In the Bible, Jesus said to Nicodemus, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one
is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ (John 3:3). Fallen human beings must be
born again and change from Satan’s lineage to God’s lineage. This is Rebirth. The mission of
the Messiah is to give Rebirth to fallen human beings. This means to restore fallen human
beings to the state before the Fall. Rebirth is the great revolution of love and value system. In
other words, this is the 180-degree change in the direction of love from the self-centered love
that takes (Satan’s false love) to an altruistic love that gives (God’s true love). This is a 180-
degree transformation of heart, from a self-interest value system where all that matters is
oneself, to a public value system where the object partner is the center. This is only possible
by engrafting (connecting) to God’s love and lineage that the Messiah brings.

The Providence of Rebirth and the Holy Spirit

Parents are necessary for fallen human beings to be born again. The Messiah comes to this
earth as the True Father of humankind. He will then restore an object partner (woman) who
will fulfill the mission of the mother, becoming the True Parents centered on God, and
conduct the providence of Rebirth for humankind. The object partner of the Messiah is the
Holy Spirit. 2000 years ago, Jesus could not restore the object partner who would fulfill the
mission of the Holy Spirit on earth, and as a result, the work of the Holy Spirit was only
spiritual. Therefore, the Second Coming of the Messiah must restore the Substantial Holy
Spirit on this earth. Also, the Substantial Holy Spirit must testify to the true love and the true
life of the Messiah to humankind, guide humankind to repent from their heart, and give birth
to humankind as true children of God. Through the Substantial Holy Spirit, fallen human
beings are to connect to God’s love and lineage that the Messiah brings, while on earth.

The Path of Rebirth and Resurrection

Rebirth means for an individual to be born anew. However, as mentioned above, God’s ideal of
creation is the perfection of a family through the completion of the Four Great Authorities of
Heart. Therefore, the Messiah first gives Rebirth to fallen human beings and restores them to
the position before the Fall. Then, he will show them the path for the perfection of the
family and will walk this path together with them to fulfill God’s ideal of creation. After
Rebirth, the path for the perfection of conjugal love within the Four Great Authorities of
Heart is called resurrection. This is for a family and nation to be born anew. In other words, a
husband and wife and family that first changes to an altruistic value system will then spread
to society and the nation. Furthermore, by perfecting parental love, God will be able to
completely settle on this earth. As these kinds of families spread throughout the world, God’s
ideal of creation will be realized. To live eternally together with God’s love on this earth and
in heaven is called, eternal life. The Messiah shows the path of resurrection and eternal life
after Rebirth and he will realize this together with fallen human beings.

The Fulfillment of the Providence of Restoration by the Lord
of the Second Advent

Jesus, who came as the Messiah 2000 years ago, could not complete his mission, which is why
the Second Coming is prophesied. Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent.
He offered his entire life of his 93 years for the sake of God and humankind to completely
fulfill the mission of the Messiah. He finally fulfilled the providence of Rebirth to guide
humankind to true salvation by restoring a woman to fulfill the mission of the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, he has opened the path of resurrection and eternal life after rebirth. The
“Substantial Word” that reveals 100% of the love of God and the Messiah has been disclosed
through the Substantial Holy Spirit (woman). The “Substantial Word” restores the true parentchild
relationship between God and human beings and substantiates a life where God and
human beings can live together. The Substantial Word is given by the Lord of the Second
Advent as an eternal educational teaching material based on God’s love.

Last Days and Judgment

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Sun Myung Moon added “Love” to this.
The Substantial Messiah is indeed the “Way” (example for human beings), the “Truth” (Word),
and the manifestation of God’s love and life. When the Lord of the Second Advent appears, it
is a time of judgment when good and evil are clearly separated based on the appearance of
absolute goodness (Messiah). The Bible calls this era of judgment the Last Days (end of the
world). Unlike the commonly held belief, there will not be a cataclysm where planet earth is
destroyed. Rather, it refers to the end of evil (Satan) and a change to the original creation of
the ideal world that God has longed for. This will be judgment based on the Word. The
“Substantial Word” that has been revealed by the Holy Spirit shows the world the absolute
goodness of God’s love.